Thursday, September 4, 2014

Warning Charlotte, Armyworms Have Arrived!

Charlotte's Landscaping Experts - SecureTurf has the following warning.,,

Please be aware:  NC State University has issued a warning for the 
southern state's regarding armyworms that will eat and destroy your lawn. 
We have already seen SecureTurf customers loosing 1/2 their lawn overnight.

The Fall Armyworm's are appearing here in Charlotte NC.  Its name is derived from its feeding habits. They will eat everything in an area and once the food supply is exhausted the entire "army" will move to the next available food source.


If you notice your lawn has dead spot's, you will see blades of grass
chewed along the outside of the dead area between the healthy lawn
and the dead lawn.

If you see these worms please call us right away, we have a plan.

You can also click here SecureTurf and get a free quote!


From your lawn and landscape company,
Charlotte's Landscaping Experts at SecureTurf